日本国家队 NTR 在体育酒吧观看比赛时,我的女友在激情时刻蹭了我一下。

NKKD-098 日本国家队 NTR 在体育酒吧观看比赛时,我的女友在激情时刻蹭了我一下。

On the day of the second group league game the other day, my girlfriend and I decided to go on a date to a sports bar in town to watch the game.... We were both wearing paired blue shirts and were excited to go there.... When we entered the restaurant, it was packed to overflowing with people.... I was cheering for our representative amidst the loud cheering, when I suddenly realized that she was swallowed up by the crowd and out of sight...! Nippon! Nippon!"
Published at 1st Sep 2018